Focusing On What Matters Today

Today is Election Day. I voted early and already let my decision be heard. Not that my one single vote will matter for the POTUS due to electoral college, but it says things and there are more important races also at stake today in the US Senate and whatever local offices are running today. I am not here to push anyone liberal or conservative, but you should (and probably before now) study the candidates and know what they are standing for. Do research, and not just what you hear on tv, radio or on social media. Locate a source you can trust. – let it be said CNN or Fox News commentary may be a little biased on liberalism or coservatism alike.

This is an important election. There is talk of civil unrest and protests. If you do, please where your “I Voted” sticker. Because if you didn’t vote and should have – you shouldn’t be protesting whatever because you didn’t exercise the opportunity to do it the right way the first time.

If you are reading this article by chance, and haven’t already. Please – take the time to vote today.

What’s in these Bags?

Stay Tuned!

Update 10-15-2020 – I am still working on the video. I had to put things on pause for a bit. Looking forward to creating more media and sharing these toys!

Spoiler Alert! – Warp Zones Ahead!

It seems everyone is doing a Super Mario 1 Speed Run or long play… Why not just a simple play with the warp zones? I don’t claim to be the master of Mario – I just like to have fun playing. Hope you enjoy!

Rolling With The Punches

A random thought flow for today:

This year has been one hit after another. In some way, shape or form we’ve all taken a hit. At this moment, I consider myself very fortunate it has not been worse than it has been. Everyone has had to make changes and sacrifices. The way I see it, if it doesn’t kill you, it can only make you stronger. But, at what cost? What do we have to lose from COVID, the related financial meltdown, a the last major world power ripping itself apart at the seams over racism and an election and an all around agenda driven news media. We’ve lost a lot.

What can we learn and where is the silver lining in all of this? The world is being tested. Every individual on the planet is being tested. Some say the light at the end of the tunnel is near, and perhaps it is. I can’t tell you because I can’t tell what direction we are moving and how fast. We’re operating in the blind, but I have faith about who is in control over all of this, and that will never waiver. If you, by chance, disagree with me, then you have a right to do so, however it won’t change the fact of my opinion. Apply your own faith and maybe this would make sense, some more-so than others.

I believe we, as a society, have lost our way with God. We have deviated away from the golden rule in so many more ways than one. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We cannot behave this way because of so many different, worldly pressures. We don’t listen, we don’t read, and we sure as hell don’t pay attention to traffic signs. Some believe and it has been stated it is in our nature to destroy ourselves. When we disobey the golden rule, they are right. We’re encouraged to do so, and have accepted blindly the ramifications of those decisions, in what is past, in what we see now, and in what is to come.

On an individual level, we have to look ourselves in the mirror and see ourselves. Do we like and respect what we see? We may need to take a long, hard look into those eyes for the cracks and faults. Rest assured they are there. If we could hit the “reset button” and start over again, what would we do different? Would we even be able to start from the same place we had before. What advantages and disadvantages do we have. Unfortunately, we’re not computers so we cannot restart 100% from scratch, we have to do the best with what we have been provided and given (or taken away) ourselves in life.

Believe it or not, we do this every breath we take. The cycle, the decision making process, happens consciously and unconsciously.

That being said, are we making decisions on what matters most? Are we doing harm to ourselves and others? Are we going to swing and miss, or are we going to swing and hit a home run? Are we going to be the negative nancy or are we going to give ourselves and others the benefit of the doubt? What can we do to make a Win, Win, Win, Win for ourselves, our family, our community and the world? This is the art or rolling with the punches. When in a crunch; a series of quick decisions that have to be made in order to survive the day. What can we do to alter the decision making process and make it better when we are not in a crunch?

My point is this. Don’t be a dumbass; Karma is a bitch; and Keep on Truckin.’ Obedience to your Faith and the rules of the road are not optional, but in Atlanta, the Speed Limit usually has a 20mph+ speed allowance, unless in heavy congestion or a construction zone.